Latest news from British Pest Control Association

23 May 2014

PPC Live 2014: a great success!

BPCA's new PPC Live event was a huge success with delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibition and conference was held in the AJ Bell Stadium in Salford, Manchester on 21 May, and attracted over 340 pest controllers from across the North West and further afield.

With a wide range of business seminars and practical demonstrations, PPC Live drew large and appreciative crowds of pest control professionals eager to hear the latest on topics including pesticide waste, SGAR stewardship, mouse treatment efficacy, and bed bug management.

BPCA President Henry Mott, who opened the event, said "it was a thoroughly well organised and run event which matched exactly the remit that the Board had set out, which was to offer pest control technicians, supervisors and managers a range of seminars on key hot topics, plus the opportunity to see a wide variety of key suppliers all under one roof".

The BPCA prize wheel proved very popular, with pre-registered delegates able to take a spin of the wheel and win a guaranteed prize from one of the exhibitors. Aside from the wheel, several other lucky delegates went home with prizes from England football shirts to hand-held foggers, all donated courtesy of the suppliers at the event.

Some stands such as Killgerm took the opportunity to show only new products, and Bayer hinted at a new foam-based rodenticide product that's yet to be launched in the UK.

Exhibitors were pleased with the day, as David Loughlin from Sentomol put it "the calibre of visitors at PPC Live has been of a similar decision-making and buying level to PestEx, and of a higher quality than I expected" This was backed up by Adam Juson of Merlin, who had a "brilliant show; we had enough business contracted by 10am to cover the costs five times over, and make the event more than worthwhile being part of"

Visitors too were pleased to attend a show designed to reach out to them, rather than one they had to travel to attend. Jonathan Denton, who's about to leave the Army said PPC Live was "very worthwhile for someone like me who is new to the industry and is looking to develop". Other visitors were very vocal about their support for an event that comes to them. Gareth Davies, Regional Director - South, Mitie Group said "PPC Live was a breath of fresh air! The event was great and the seminar content was very informative, especially the falconry show. I look forward to the next event"

The seminar programme proved extremely popular, with the hot topics of SGARs and Pest Control Waste drawing large crowds, along with the research from Salford University on the efficacy of different mouse treatment methods.

BPCA Chief Executive Simon Forrester said "we were very pleased with the wide support from the sector, and I would like to express my thanks to the companies and individuals who supported the event by exhibiting, speaking and of course attending as visitors."

For those of you who weren't able to attend, BPCA will be making recordings of the seminars available to those signed up to BPCA's free Affiliate Scheme ( in a few weeks time.

BPCA are currently looking at where to hold the next PPC Live event, which will take place after PestEx (25-26 March 2015, London ExCel)

"Please pass on my congratulations to the team on organising such a good event. The entire thing reeked of professionalism and class. The venue was spot on and the BPCA team were very visible, friendly and above all helpful. My thanks and congratulations for presenting the professional face of pest control for the UK." Martin Cobbald, Director, Dealey Pest Control

Five Key Facts:

  • 340+ visitors
  • 12 seminars
  • 40 Exhibitors
  • 20 Industry Expert Speakers

Read a full review and see the pictures from PPC Live 2014.

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