Latest news from British Pest Control Association

24 February 2014

BPCA wins European Association of the Year

The British Pest Control Association has won the prestigious ‘Association of the Year' Award from the Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA). The presentation took place at CEPA's General Assembly in Dortmund, following the Eurocido pest control trade show.

The award was made in recognition of BPCA's contribution to bringing competing but complementary trade bodies closer together. BPCA Chief Executive Simon Forrester, who accepted the award on behalf of BPCA said "this is a great and unexpected honour for the British Pest Control Association, as we work alongside very professional sister associations within CEPA. To be singled out is high praise indeed. On a personal note, I am very pleased to see the lobbying and standards-setting activities of CEPA beginning to bear fruit, and I know that the best is yet to come."

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