Latest news from British Pest Control Association

29 February 2024

BPCA election results 2024 – three new Board members  


Three new member representatives have been appointed to the BPCA Executive Board following a vote by BPCA member companies.  


The successful candidates are: 

  • Rebekah Carral, Barricade Pest Control 
  • Anna Mollins, PestFix 
  • Martin Cobbald, Dealey Environmental. 

They were formally appointed on 29 February at an Executive Board meeting.  

The new members of the Board were chosen by their fellow members. 

BPCA Company Secretary Lorraine Norton said: 

“It was a very close-fought contest, and we had much more engagement running the election online compared to how we previously made appointments at an AGM. 

“We’ll now work on inducting our new Board members so they’re ready to join our Board meetings and help set the direction of the Association for years to come”.  

BPCA President Chris Cagienard said: 

“As a membership organisation, it’s crucial that members have the opportunity to put their hat into the ring as a candidate and vote on their representatives. 

“Our member volunteers are the lifeblood of the Association, and we’re looking forward to working with them on the Board. 

“Thank you to all the candidates and the member companies that took the time to vote”. 


BPCA is run by over 60 volunteers from different member companies who work on projects across several committees, the Executive Board and working groups.  

If you’d like to learn more about volunteering your time for the benefit of the sector, take a look at our committees and groups page or contact today.  

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