Latest news from British Pest Control Association

24 October 2023

BPCA Rules amended by Executive Board


The BPCA Executive Board has signed off some small amendments to the BPCA Rules, which are now available in the Member Library (login required).

The changes in the Rules are designed to clarify BPCA’s existing position, rather than make any changes to the rights of members or directors.


The changes

Bold indicates the changes.

“2.1       The Executive Board will ensure there is an application process in place for Member Representative and Non-member Representative vacancies on the Executive Board. For the avoidance of doubt, a vacancy is not created where there is a reappointment of a current director pursuant to Rule 5.1”.

“2.2       Except where a director is being reappointed pursuant to Rule 5.1 anyone appointed to the Executive Board as a Member Representative of a Member of the Association must be nominated by two eligible Members for this purpose”.

“2.4       No more than one Member Representative per Member may serve on the Executive Board at any one time except where a committee chairperson is appointed from a Member who already has a representative on the Executive Board. In that instance the maximum number of Member Representatives on the Executive Board is two from any Member”.


If you have any questions surrounding the updated Rules, please contact us today for clarification.

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