Latest news from British Pest Control Association

06 March 2018

A blow for LAMMA18

Events feature | PPC90 March 2018

Where we've been LAMMA

In its last year at the East of England Showground, LAMMA took place during 17-18 January. BPCA’s team joined the thousands of agricultural industry specialists – for what turned out to be a shorter-than-expected event!

Lauren and Kevin were kept busy on the first day with a steady flow of visitors to the stand, handing out a special edition of alexo magazine produced for the show and talking about all things stewardship. After exhibiting at the show for a few years now, BPCA has always been well received. The key messages seemed to be more widely known. Questions this year included: “I need to sit a qualification, can I do this through you?”, “What do I need to purchase rodenticides?” and some positive comments from people who had already sat the qualification – which is always lovely to hear!

Other members exhibiting at the show included BASF, Bayer and Syngenta and, of course, BASIS giving out plenty of points on its CPD trail.

However, the show then took a turn for the worst with extreme overnight winds giving the (predominantly outdoors) show a battering. This meant that the event was unable to open on the second day for visitors, as the halls and exhibition structures were unsafe.

With the show traffic and many roads in the area closed due to fallen trees, the Peterborough area wasn’t a pleasant location to be on Thursday morning.

Windy LAMMA 2017

Alongside the thousands of people who had travelled for hours, our thoughts were with the organisers and staff on site. After all the hard work that goes into delivering a show of this scale, it must have been a difficult decision to cancel on the second day.

LAMMA relocates to the NEC in Birmingham next January – which, at the time of the announcement, saw plenty of criticisms and comments from visitors and exhibitors alike. The main criticism being that the personality of the show would change by taking it out of the lovely rural setting. But the weather this year seemed to prove that the move is the right decision and next year's show will hopefully be unaffected by the weather!

JOIN US AT A SHOW...       

We have two exciting shows coming up in April: The Cleaning Show on 11-12 April and FoodEx on 16-18 April.

Like to get involved? Then help us represent BPCA members on the stand for either of these shows – email us.


Have you heard of an event that you think we should attend? Big or small, we'll consider attending any event that helps us put professional pest management in higher regard. Let us know.


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Lauren-Day-Staff-bubbleLauren Day

Events Manager

1 March 2017  |  PPC90

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