Latest news from British Pest Control Association

26 April 2023

Alex Wade elected as Chair of BPCA Outreach and Communications Committee

Association news

Pest consultant and director of Wade Environmental, Alex Wade, has been elected chair of BPCA’s Outreach and Communications Committee


As chair, Alex will lead the Committee, which sets the direction for how the Association communicates with members, the general public, the press and politicians. Alex will also join the BPCA Executive Board. 

Alex said:

“I have always believed in giving members a platform to have their voices heard in the industry, as well as elevating the perception of our industry to the general public. With the O&C committee this is the perfect arena to achieve both of these tasks.”

The Outreach and Communications Committee is only a few years old and was created to keep public relations, public affairs and member communications accountable to the members BPCA represents. 

Their work today has seen them investigate a BPCA app, help set a public affairs agenda, and advise on articles for the press.

Alex continued:

“We’re still a reasonably new Committee actively looking for new voices.  If you want to voice your opinion in a forum where there is a real capacity to see change, enquire about observing the O&C committee to potentially join us.

“If BPCA is going to speak for its members, we need companies of all shapes and sizes supporting the Outreach and Comms Committee. 

“If you’ve ever said to yourself ‘BPCA should be telling X people Y’, then we think you’d be a great fit for the Committee”.

BPCA Committees meet around four times a year, generally via video call. Any employee of a BPCA member company can join a Committee.


BPCA members can request to observe an Outreach and Communications Committee meeting before they decide whether to join it as a member.

Learn more here or ask for an invitation at

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