Latest news from British Pest Control Association

05 April 2024

BPCA launches new Technical Committee, replacing Servicing and M&D


The BPCA Executive Board has constituted a new committee of the Board. The BPCA Technical Committee will focus on the provision of pest management services, best practices and guidance. 

BPCA committees are made up of volunteers from member companies.


The BPCA Servicing and Manufacturers & Distributors Committees have now been discontinued. However, the members of these previous committees have been instrumental in creating the new Technical Committee.  

The formative meeting of the Technical Committee saw members of the former Servicing Committee and Manufacturers and Distributors Committee come together on 4 April to lay the foundations for the new Committee. 

Martin Rose-King, BPCA Vice-resident, chaired the meeting and welcomed those in attendance. 

The role of the Technical Committee

The main areas of responsibility for the new Committee are:

  • Standards of pest management service provision, including Codes of Practice, Guidance Documents and templates
  • Relevant technical advice as provided through BPCA webinars, forums and events
  • Matters relating to member services and benefits
  • Technical issues related to membership criteria and ongoing assessments
  • Relevant technical content for training, qualifications and continuing professional development 
  • Issues related to industry developments, products and processes concerning the toolkit
  • Feedback to stakeholders, including CRRU, RRAC RRAG, NPAP and specifiers
  • Contributing to the overall strategy of BPCA, including delivering strategic projects.

A special thank you to the Servicing and M&D committees 

The Servicing and M&D Committee have spearheaded numerous projects supporting members and the wider sector.

BPCA Vice-president Martin Rose-King said:

From industry research to developing BPCA Registered, protecting products, and producing Codes and best practice guidance - these long-standing BPCA groups have had many successes.

Martin Rose-King, BPCA Vice-president

“I’m very proud of my time on the Servicing committee. We would like to express our thanks to every committee member who volunteered.

“The new Technical Committee will bring together different types of companies and skills to continue their good work”.

Next steps and getting involved

Former committee members from Servicing and M&D are developing the terms of reference for the new Committee.

The new Committee will initially be made up of 15 members of the previous committees, selected by ballot. Special provisions will be included in the terms of reference so that Servicing, M&D, and Consulting members are all represented on the Technical Committee. 

The first full meeting of the new Technical Committee is scheduled for 25 June.

If you’re interested in observing any BPCA committee meeting or getting involved in volunteering, contact 

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