BPCA Membership Officer Rachel Eyre was thanked for her long service at the BPCA Annual General Meeting 2017. She has been with BPCA for 25 years and has held a variety of roles across the Association, including training, events and now membership advice and support.

Rachel said, “It was such a lovely surprise and, especially at the AGM, where so many of the members were present – looking forward to the pamper and bubbles very soon!”
Lorraine Norton, BPCA Operations Manager, was also thanked for her long service to the Association. Lorraine has been linked with BPCA since 1994 when the organisation was a client of the accountancy practice where she was Associate Partner.

Both were presented with gifts of appreciation in front of AGM attendees by the then BPCA President, Paul Rodman.
Scott Johnstone
Content and Communications Officer
31 August 2017 | PPC88