Latest news from British Pest Control Association

27 July 2022

BPCA to hold Qualification Framework consultation events


Do pest control qualifications need an overhaul? Happy with what we have and don't want to see anything change? Whatever your view, we want to hear it! 

The future of pest control training BPCA 2Consultation

BPCA is holding a series of online consultation events for anyone in the UK pest management sector. Members and non-members are invited to contribute. 

The outcomes of this review could change the landscape of the pest management industry. If you have an opinion, you should make your voice heard and join one of the sessions!

Register now

Over the last few months BPCA's Training and Development Manager, Karen Dawes, has been attending BPCA Forums to consult on a project overseen by the Professional Standards Committee, a group of BPCA member volunteers.

The project is reviewing what a modern qualification framework for professional pest technicians might look like.  

A professionalised sector has training, qualifications, demonstration of competency and continual professional development at its heart. 

Karen explained:

My presentation on this at a recent BPCA digital forum caused quite a stir. While there was a lot of positive feedback, there was a sense that some of what we're trying to achieve might have been misunderstood.  I think it’s important that we clear up some of those misconceptions. That’s why we’re holding a series of events for members and non-members to ask us about the project. Your opinion matters!

Karen Dawes, BPCA Training and Development Manager

About the consultation

This consultation asks:

  • Is change needed?
  • What qualifications might look like?
  • How might pest professionals be assessed?
  • What training is needed in the sector?
  • The benefits new qualifications would bring?
  • How might any transition be managed? 

Feedback into this consultation from everyone involved in pest management is invaluable if we are to ensure that any new qualification framework is fit-for-purpose. 

Karen will present the work done to date by the Professional Standards Committee, and invite questions and comments from those attending as contributions into the wider consultation. 

Join in

We will be holding four consultation dates which will take place on Zoom and will last up to 45 minutes: 

Tuesday 16 August, 12.30pm 

Wednesday 7 September, 8am 

Thursday 29 September, 5pm

Tuesday 11 October, 12.30pm

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions for joining the meeting on the day. 

Register for the events at

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