Latest news from British Pest Control Association

06 March 2018

Haven’t registered for your Regional Forum yet?

Events feature| PPC90 March 2018

Registered for your Regional Forum yet

BPCA hosts events for everyone interested in pest management all around the UK. Regional Forums are completely free to attend, so we can only think of three reasons why you haven’t registered yet...

  1. You can’t make it (fair enough, but you’re missing out)
  2. You absolutely hate free breakfasts, CPD points, interesting speakers, the latest products, sector updates, and fun things (unlikely)
  3. You haven’t got around to registering yet (not okay).

If it’s point 3, it’s time to get registered. It only takes a couple of minutes, and we only have a fixed amount of places per-forum.

Register now

Regional forum map

I just wanted to say thank you from myself and Chris for what was a brilliant BPCA breakfast event. I thought the guest speakers were all relevant and interesting and we look forward to future events held by BPCA.

Sam Thorpe, Predator Pest Solutions

Five ways to justify coming along...

  1. Four CPD points.
  2. The latest news, products and industry changes.
  3. Free to attend.
  4. Network with other professionals.
  5. Bacon rolls available for all attendees!

Great forum, good practical info, excellent networking opportunity

All speakers had some good information, and I learned something from them all - thanks.

Very useful, with lots of networking opportunities

Make sure your Regional Forum has a special place in your diary!

Register now

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Lauren-Day-Staff-bubbleLauren Day
Events Manager

April 2018  |  PPC91

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