Bird management articles & pest control news

05 May 2020

Natural England begins issuing individual licence decisions

Natural England has now started contacting pest professionals in relation to applications for individual bird control licences.

natural england individual licence decisions

An update issued recently by the public body suggested that the number of applications received exceeds the level of lethal control allowed while still maintaining conservation of these species. 

Applicants are likely to find out this month, but it does means that not everybody who has applied may get a licence. 

Natural England will issue licences where they have concluded that:

  • There is a genuine problem to resolve or need to satisfy for which a statutory licensing purpose applies
  • There are no satisfactory alternatives, including that non-lethal solutions have been tried and/or shown to be ineffective
  • The licensed action will contribute to resolving the problem or meeting the need
  • The action to be licensed is proportionate to the problem or need.

Dave Slater, Natural England’s Director for Wildlife Licensing, says:

"We continue to work hard on completing the technical assessments for these licence applications and have started issuing decisions to applicants.

"I recognise it will be challenging for those who want to carry out control measures that were previously covered by the general licence, but we must abide by the law that is in place to protect bird populations.

"I sincerely appreciate your patience as the issuing of decisions as this new licensing process gets under way."

Further updates will be available on the Natural England website.

Further information on gull licences can be found here.


Members can get technical support on bird licences. Email your query to

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