Bird management articles & pest control news

06 March 2018

Birds and the bees fly the nest

Feature your association | PPC90 March 2018

Get involved in BPCA Birdwise or Beewise

February and March saw BPCA’s two new special interest groups meet for the first time – Beewise and Birdwise.’s important that pest control professionals are made aware of the most suitable approaches available to proactively protect species that are in decline.

Both groups are now well on the way to having outlined action plans in place to develop the quantity and quality of information BPCA members (and employees) can get access to, but there are still ways to join in with either special interest group.

Andy Reade, from The Tree Bee Society, a member of the Beewise group said: “Getting together and developing knowledge on specific issues will enhance the level of information that is out there at the moment. With regard to bees, it’s important that pest control professionals are made aware of the most suitable approaches available to proactively protect species that are in decline.

“We do have space to engage a few more servicing member companies. So, on behalf of the group, please email or find our stand at PPC Live should you be interested.”

Both special interest groups will be supporting the PPC editorial team with forthcoming features throughout the year. Beewise will get involved in flying insects’ in Spring (PPC91) while Birdwise will contribute to the Autumn publication (PPC92).


Send an email with either ‘Birdwise’ or ‘Beewise’ as your subject.

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Ben-Massey-Staff-bubbleBen Massey
Marketing and Communications Manager

1 March 2018  |  PPC90

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