BPCA has developed template checklists to evidence your justification for using lethal control when carrying out bird management work.
Created with the support of BPCA BirdWise, our special interest group for bird management, these templates are available for members to download and customise.
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BPCA Technical and Compliance Manager, Natalie Bungay, said:
“Conditions set out in general licences have to be followed by law when dealing with any of the birds listed on them.
“Every user has to be aware of the content and then only take action when they know they are within the set conditions.
These forms help record all the things you may need to consider. They also make a good record of actions taken and how you consider your legal obligations.
Natalie Bungay, BPCA Technical and Compliance Manager
How to use the documents
Whenever lethal control or removal work is required for a species listed on a general licence, the user can complete a form before the work commences.
Keep a copy of the document safe for your records. This will help protect you if you’re ever challenged, as you’ll be able to prove you considered non-lethal measures and abided by the licence conditions.
Three versions of the document are available for pest professionals in England, Scotland and Wales. Licences differ slightly depending on where you are in the UK, so ensure you use the correct document.
Members can download this document and plenty of other useful templates from our Member Library.
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Got an idea for a template document? Send your suggestions to