Bird management articles & pest control news

03 December 2019

Individual bird licences for 2019 set to expire

 A reminder to pest technicians that individual licences for bird control will expire on 31 December 2019.

102 individual bird control licences expiring

If current general licences do not cover your requirements, you should apply now to receive new individual licences in time for January 2020. 

General licences are still valid until 29 February, although there is currently no new information from Defra regarding the recent planned consultation on these, due to the General Election.

The general licences do not cover the following bird species, which will need to be controlled by applying for the individual licences:

  1. WML GL36 Serious damage – does not include jay, collared dove and lesser blackbacked gull
  2. WML GL35 Public health or public safety – does not include jay, wood pigeon, collared dove, lesser black-backed gull and herring gull
  3. WML GL34 Conservation – does not include feral pigeon, wood pigeon and lesser black-backed gull.

For a round-up of the situation regarding the initial removal of general licences and what followed, take a look at our article from PPC96: A birds-eye view of general licences.

*Please note the requirements for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are different, please check when you are crossing boarders that you have the correct licences for each country.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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