Bird management articles & pest control news

01 February 2022

Jones and Son to showcase new Defender Thistle Bird Spikes at PestEx

This year Devon-based Jones and Son will officially launch their new Defender Thistle Bird Spikes and will be showcasing them at PestEx on 16 & 17 March.

Jones and Son to showcase new Defender Thistle Bird Spikes at PestEx2

Defender Bird Spikes are a family business that have been manufacturing Defender Bird Spikes in Devon for over 20 years.

The products are designed, developed, patented and manufactured here in the UK. They were invented by David Jones and his wife, Kursty (the owners of Jones and Son Pest Control Supplies Ltd). 

Defender Bird Spikes are deterrents to stop pigeons and seagulls landing on roofs, ridges, ledges - in fact, any area in which birds are a problem.

You'll be able to see them first-hand when you pay a visit to:

Stand 74
PestEx - the pest management show
ExCeL, London
16 & 17 March 2022

Book now

David Jones, Owner at Jones and Son Pest Control Supplies, commented:

"We're really proud of our new Defender Thistle Bird Spikes. This low visibility spike offers a dense pattern of pins; in fact, there are 240 pins in just one metre, spread out over eight separate angles.

"This is the new go to bird spike that can be used for all bird species. Pop over to see the Jones and Son team at stand 74, say hi to me, Jazmin and our newest member Abi, grab a free sample and take away a new fluffy seagull!"


Tell us all about your stand and what plans you have for the event, and we'll promote them ahead of PestEx.

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