Stories and articles for pest control businesses

23 April 2021

VIDEO: Trademarks for pest management companies

In this video, guest speaker Tania Clark, Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, explains:

  • What is a trade mark?
  • Do you need to register your company or brand?
  • What can be trade-marked?
  • What’s the difference between a trade mark and copyright?
  • What are your legal rights with and without a trade mark?
  • What is a trade mark attorney and do you need one?

This video is designed for business owners and senior managers. While everyone is welcome to watch, technicians are unlikely to find it as useful.

Information correct at the time of filming.

On BPCA Registered? Make sure you record your CPD points!

Independently verified by the CPD Certification Scheme

This video meets the CPD Certification Scheme’s stringent criteria for continuous professional development materials. 

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