Stories and articles for pest control businesses

16 May 2017

The Death of Diesel?

You can’t fail to have seen recent news reports on air quality concerns. It’s alleged that some of our cities have such poor air quality that it contributes to the early deaths of some 40,000 UK citizens. 

Diesel fuelRecently the Government has lost two UK court cases on plans to tackle the key pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2), with the High Court ordering publication of a draft new clean air plan to tackle NO2 by 31 July. A joint enquiry is also looking into the scale of the harm caused and the action necessary to tackle it.

Louise Ellman MP, Chair of the Transport Select Committee said: "The UK economy depends on an efficient and flexible transport system but emissions from vehicles are a significant problem and the standards that governments have relied on have not delivered the expected reductions. We will be asking what more can be done to increase the use of cleaner vehicles as well as to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport."

The European Commission has also threatened enforcement which could see the UK pay millions of pounds in fines if the Government does not take immediate steps to bring 16 UK zones within legal pollution limits.

Reports of the death of diesel may be exaggerated, but despite reports that the Government are willing to help compensate diesel vehicle owners encouraged in their purchases (e.g. the 2001 tax exemption), many cities are now likely to impose charges. One example is the London ultra low emission zone where from April 2019 some drivers will pay £24 a day to enter the area.

PPC advises all readers to consider the likely long-term impact of future legislation on diesel vehicles, and also their impact on those around you. After all, we’re here to preserve public health!

Simon-Forrester-Staff-bubbleSimon Forrester
Chief Executive

16 May 2017  |  PPC87

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