BPCA has teamed up with top law firm Shakespeare Martineau to offer a free legal helpline and video chats for members who are concerned about the impact of Covid-19 on their business.

Shakespeare Martineau, said:
“Coronavirus and its impact on life and business is changing daily. Its rapid global spread is increasing concerns for businesses of all sizes.
“We understand that now, more than ever, you need access to guidance quickly and efficiently to help protect your interest and keep your business moving forward.”
The legal team can help with bespoke guidance on a broad range of issues affecting your organisation.
General business matters, directors’ duties, insolvency, restructuring, funding and disputes can all be discussed for free.
Free legal helpline
Members can call a free legal helpline, giving you access to a senior team of legal experts for free legal guidance.
The line is open 10am-12pm Monday to Friday.
0800 689 4064
Face-to-face support
Members can also book 20-minute video sessions via Zoom with commercial and employment law specialists at Shakespeare Martineau.
You’ll get a session in front of one of their senior lawyers to help the issues facing you and your employees.
Book now
Need support through the good times and the bad? Ask us abut membership today.
01332 225 112