Pest control company news and press releases

17 October 2018

Chemicals and Brexit: What "no deal" would mean to us

The HSE has released a series of technical documents to help people prepare if the UK leaves the European Union in a no-deal scenario. 

The seven published documents are:

Health and Safety Executive on Brexit no deal

The UK government has stated at the top of each document:

"A scenario in which the UK leaves the EU without agreement (a ‘no deal’ scenario) remains unlikely given the mutual interests of the UK and the EU in securing a negotiated outcome.

"Negotiations are progressing well and both we and the EU continue to work hard to seek a positive deal. However, its our duty as a responsible government to prepare for all eventualities, including ‘no deal’, until we can be certain of the outcome of those negotiations".

Although these statements were published earlier this month, BBC News stated today "expectations are low" and Brexit talks are "deadlocked", suggesting the UK will leave the EU without a deal. 

The plans in brief

In short, the plan for a no deal scenario is for the UK would create its own independent schemes based on EU regulations. Many of the responsibilities held by EU agencies would be handled by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK. 

The UK would then be free to make amendments to regulations on a case-by-case basis. 

Ian Andrew, BPCA Chief Exec, said:

"What ifs aside, the UK will almost certainly leave the EU in one way or another, and this may affect the chemicals we rely on as pest management professionals. We will monitor any changes and transitions carefully and work with manufacturers to keep our members in the loop with any significant changes coming their way."

More information

Government 'no deal' guidance - HSE

Brexit: All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU - BBC News

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