Joanne Beaseley has been appointed as a Non-executive Director (NED) for London Network for Pest Solutions.

As well as being a NED for LNPS Joanne is an Environmental Quality and Resolutions Manager. She manages a team of Monitoring Officers, answering customer complaints and seeking dispute resolutions.
Before that Joanne was Director and Business Manager of cleansing company Public Realm Services Ltd.
Joanne said: “I heard that London Network for Pest Solutions Ltd was looking for a Non-executive Director and thought it was a great opportunity for me. I’m looking forward to seeing the business grow and being a part of the team.”
LNPS Managing Director Paul Cooper added: “I am so pleased to have Joanne on board as a NED. Women are underrepresented in what is typically a male-dominated industry and having her onboard, performing a very important role as a NED, will go some way to start redressing the balance.
“Joanne has worked in a variety of sectors in the past and will be able to bring her experience to help further improve our already very successful business.
“The role of a NED is often undervalued by people that do not understand the role, but NEDs bring their considerable experience to enable companies to achieve their goals, ambitions and aspirations. Joanne will not be involved in the day-to-day running or operations of the business, but will be able to bring an objective insight into the way that we run the company to achieve our goals.”
Established in 2016, LNPS is an award-winning company based in Newham, London.
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