Pest control company news and press releases

22 October 2021

BPCA contribution acknowledged as part of sustainable use of pesticides national action plan


BPCA’s proposed amendments to the UK’s national action plan on sustainable pesticide usage have been included in a wrap-up of contributors’ comments released by the UK government.

Our contribution on behalf of members will mean that the view of pest management professionals will be represented at the highest levels.

BPCA contribution acknowledged as part of government’s Sustainable use of pesticides national action plan

Defra, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) Northern Ireland drafted a revised National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides.

The revised action plan is intended to supersede the 2013 UK National Action Plan (2013 NAP), laying out a 5-year strategy to increase the sustainability of pesticide use in the UK.

BPCA’s contributions included:

  • Increased communication and user engagement during the regulation process
  • A commitment to IPM with support and advice from the professional sector
  • Better reporting of pesticide misuse and better enforcement of wildlife crime.

All of these comments are included in the government’s published wrap-up document.

BPCA Chief Exec, Ian Andrew, said:

“BPCA members and the public health pest management sector need to be a part of these discussions.

“230 organisations submitted a response to the consultation. However, BPCA was the only contributor representing professional pest managers.

“Members and pest management product users have a huge role to play in ensuring responsible use of pesticides from the regulatory stage to tackling misuse.

“We’ll continue to advocate for closer working relations with regulators, better communication with the professional sector and enhanced enforcement to tackle those who misuse these important chemicals”.


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