Pest control company news and press releases

14 June 2022

Pest control football tournament smashes fundraising goal

Beaver Pest Control's charity football tournament raised a whopping £2,789 for the British Red Cross Ukrainian Crisis Appeal last month.

The 7-a-side football tournament was made up of teams of professionals from within the pest control industry and helped raise urgent funds for the Ukrainian people. 

You can read all about how Beaver Pest Control's David Pullinger had the idea for organising the event here.

The weather on Sunday 29 May at the Tooting And Mitcham Stadium was perfect for football, and the BBQ helped everyone stay warm and fuelled up.

Beaver entered three teams and other teams were formed by Cleankill, Great Expestations, New Enterprise Pest Control and J G Pest Control. 

David Lodge, Director at Beaver Pest Control, said:

"Beaver would like to stay a massive thankyou to all of those companies that sent teams but also to everyone who donated, including Killgerm Chemicals, Pestfix and 1 ENV, plus many, many individuals.

"David Pullinger especially deserves praise for having the idea and seeing this through, and also to Adrian Manolache for doing the BBQ."

The winners of the tournament were J G Pest Control, who beat Beaver Blue in the final 2-0. 

Well done to all who took part!



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