A wide ranging questions and answers session about the role and objectives of CEPA (the European pest management services trade association) was recently held with CEPA President Henry Mott. The interviews are part of the Talking Pest Management series.

Usually it’s the interview host, Daniel Schröer, CEO of specialist product manufacturer, Futura who asks the questions.
But in a change of format, all the questions posed had been sent in by listeners prior to the interview.
As so many were sent in, the interview discussion has been divided into two.
Watch Part 1
Watch Part 2
Both interviews can be listened to on the Talking Pest Management website.
They are available are available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcast, LinkedIn or Google Podcast.
"There is no status quo"
The questions posed ranged from 'What is CEPA and what does CEPA do?' to 'What objectives does the organisation have for the next five years?'.
The key EU lobbying work by CEPA, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), and the role all stakeholders can play by signing-up to this was discussed.
“By signing the MOU the industry can demonstrate that it wishes to self regulate and be professional. If we, as an industry, can’t sign an MOU saying this is what we do, that we want to self regulate and be professional at a national level, how can we go forward onto the international stage requesting support for our industry?” explains Henry.
No subjects are off limits and one of the more provocative questions asked is how much does the CEPA President get paid.
The answer, as it is for all members of the board and working groups, is nothing – all work is done voluntarily. He explains how he wouldn’t be investing his time if he didn’t feel it brought benefit to him and the industry.
“Be under no illusion,” he states, “if the industry doesn’t do anything and lets things take their course – legislation, the products, the methodology behind them, even the moral question about killing animals – there wouldn’t be much of an industry remaining.
"It’s all about self-regulation. Self-regulation is the only way we are going to get the opinions of those within the EU to shift – to enable the industry to work in a practical manner. There is no status quo, things will change. Let’s make sure we are on the right side of change,” he says.
The interview concludes with a plea from Henry not to just sit on the sidelines being critical, but to get involved. He invites anyone interested in finding out more to make contact with him and he will organise their inclusion, as a taster session, in any of the CEPA meetings or answer any of their questions.
If you'd like to learn more about joining in the CEPA meeting, get in touch with Henry.