Pest control feature articles, stories and analysis

08 January 2020

PPC Live 2020 schedule announced

The full schedule for PPC Live 2020 has been announced and we’ve packed it with illustrious speakers from across the sector.

PPC Live indoor seminar theatre 2020

Taking place on Wednesday 11 March at the Yorkshire Event Centre in Harrogate, PPC Live is for the pest management professional.

Whether you’re an experienced pest control technician, a surveyor, support staff, a specialist, or just want to learn more about the sector – this one-day event is for you.

What to expect

Covering topics from rodenticide resistance to fumigation, presentations will be taking place in our silent technical seminar theatre.

With seating for 100 people, the seminars will use headphones like PestEx, so you won’t miss a single word of the presenters.

In a series of outdoor demonstrations, industry experts will also be showcasing their know-how in a range of disciplines from airgun use to new laser technology.

And in an exciting PPC Live first, we'll be introducing indoor demonstrations too, such as Clive Boase's insect ID drop-in and a proofing products presentation.

All seminars and demonstrations are completely free and open to everyone.

And don't forget: there will also be a range of exhibitors, displaying the latest pest control technology and equipment.

This isn't your standard trade show. We're committed to making sure you leave with new knowledge and experiences you can apply to the day job.

It’s a great opportunity to build up some CPD points, which will be available for anyone on the BPCA Registered scheme or BASIS Prompt.

What's on

Time  Outdoor demo
10.00 - 10.45 I wish I could fly! What it takes to be a drone pilot
Clark Smith-Stanley, Photographer and Aviator, Profile Studios
11.00 – 11.45  Vans for the pest professionals
Matt Cahill, Owner, Cheshire Fleet Solutions
12.00 – 12.45  Ballistic pest management
Dave Mills, Founder, Airgun Training and Education Organisation
13.00 – 13.45  Caught out in the countryside: Practical rural pest management
Dave Archer, Owner, DKA Pest Control
14.00 – 15.00  Lasers Live! NEW Avix Autonomic Gen II
Dan England, Pestfix and Fergus McArdle/Matthew Sarling, Height for Hire

 Out door demonstartions at PPCLive 2020

Time Technical seminars
9.30 - 10.15 ANT-icipating the ant season: species, significance and control
Dr Matthew Davies, Head of Technical Department, Killgerm
10.30 – 11.15  Reducing risks from flying insects in food sites
John Lloyd, Independent Pest Management & Insect Consultancy
11.30 – 12.15 Considering bats during the pest control process
Jo Ferguson and Becky Wilson, Bat Conservation Trust
12.30 – 13.15 The practical impact of resistance
Alex Wade, Technical Manager, PelGar
13.30 – 14.15 Fumigation is getting cheaper at last. Here’s how you can get involved
Martin Cobbald, Managing Director, Dealey
14.30 – 15.30 Integrated rodent control
Sharon Hughes, Global Technical Marketing Manager, BASF​

 Indoor demonstrations at PPC Live 2020

Time Indoor demos
9.30 - 10.00  Current proofing products: applications and limitations
Gulliver Hill, Managing Director, Pestology
10.30 – 11.00 A better fit: face fit testing respiratory protective equipment
Danny Barr, Business Development Manager, GVS
11.30 – 12.00 What is eating your house and the things in it?
David Pinniger, Consultant Entomologist
12.30 – 13.30 Insect identification: the drop-in surgery
Clive Boase, The Pest Management Consultancy
14.00 – 14.30 Fly control and the importance of catch tray analysis
Sean Parr, John Fish and Debbie Wilson, Pelsis
15.00 – 15.30 Using tech and the environment lobby to grow your business: working with your community, beekeepers and traps
Norman Guiver, Founder, U Watch

Register your place at PPC Live now and get a free bacon roll and hot drink on arrival!

Register now

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