Pest control feature articles, stories and analysis

13 September 2018

RRAG publishes updated resistance guidance for the Norway rat

RRAG's latest paper on Anticoagulant Resistance in the Norway Rat and guidance for the management of resistant rat infestations in the UK has been produced by Alan Buckle (University of Reading), John Charlton (John Charlton Associates), Adrian Meyer (Independent Consultant) and Colin Prescott (University of Reading), on behalf of the wider group.

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The paper incorporates an overview on background, history and development of resistance, and reference tables of VKORC1 mutuations and locations, and also the effectiveness of active substances against the various mutations (table below).

Rodenticide Resistance in the UK

The different anticoagulant active substances and their effectiveness against the resistance mutations found in rats in the UK.

Superceding version 1 which was published in 2015, Version 2 RRAG now hope to be able to update their other existing public paper on House Mouse resistance in the not to distant future. 

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