We’ve put together this useful organisation chart so you can understand how BPCA works. You may even spot an area of the Association you’d like to volunteer your time in.
- Ultimately, BPCA is owned and run by its membership
- The Executive Board is elected to set strategy and direction
- Committees are created by the Board to represent members and champion elements of the strategy
- There are two new committees, and we’re now asking for members to indicate interest in getting involved
- The new Professional Standards Committee will focus on membership criteria, training, qualifications, CPD
- and complaints
- The new Outreach and Communications Committee will focus on PR, engagement with Government and member comms
- Informal special interest groups allow members, non-members and those outside the sector to contribute.

Full BPCA Members
The ultimate bosses of BPCA are you, the members. We don’t have shareholders or a managing director’s pocket to line with your subscriptions. BPCA is a not-for-profit organisation here for the benefit of its members. Any money we make is invested in improving the professionalism, profile and profit of members.
All full member companies (Servicing, M&D and Consultant) get one vote and an equal say in how BPCA is run. Regardless of whether you have a thousand employees or you’re a sole trader - your voice matters as one of the owners of the Association.
BPCA Executive Board
Our Executive Board is the BPCA board of directors and is bound by the Companies Act 2006, along with BPCA’s Articles of Association and Regulations.
Board members are individuals from BPCA member companies, and any full member in good standing can put themselves forward for election at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Executive Board sets the Association’s strategy, admits new members, and deals with any breaches of our regulations and Codes of Conduct.
The Executive Board appoints the Officers (President, Vice-Presidents and Honorary Treasurer) from amongst their numbers. Where possible, the previous President takes the Officer role of Immediate Past President.
The Committee Chairs are nominated by the members of their respective committees and appointed by the Executive Board.
BPCA Staff Team
The BPCA Staff Team is the only paid group in the Association’s structure. 16 staff members deal with the day-to-day operations of BPCA and support the Executive Board to deliver the Association’s strategy. The Staff Team is ultimately accountable to the Executive Board via the Chief Executive.
Committees of the Board
All full members have the opportunity to join our committees, and influence changes both in the Association and the wider industry.
The responsibility of each committee is to represent the ideas, decisions and proposals of their peers to the Executive Board, and influence the strategy and direction of the Association.
The Chair of each committee is responsible for ensuring the Executive Board is fully aware of what is happening in the industry sector represented by each committee.
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Working Groups (ad-hoc)
Any committee or the Executive Board can create an as-required working group for a specific project. These usually run for a short amount of time and are often tasked with drafting Codes or guidance documents.
Special interest groups
Special interest groups are informal meetings about specific pest management themes that report directly to the BPCA Servicing Committee.
Unlike the committees, you don’t need to be a BPCA member to join in, meaning special interest groups can pinch people from other sectors to help with specific projects.
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BPCA is built on generous members who share their time and expertise to make the whole sector better.
If you’re ready to get involved in a new or existing committee or special interest group - contact us today.