Health, safety & legislation articles for pest control

17 June 2021

UK government confirms plans to ban rodent glue boards completely

The UK government has issued details on the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill to crack down on “inhumane rodent traps”.

Defra has issued details on ban of glue traps

In a government press release it states:

“Glue traps are a widely available and cheap method of pest control. However, the sticky traps can cause immense suffering to rodents, as the animals can remain alive for at least 24 hours after capture, and it can take even longer for them to die. Pets and wildlife can also fall victim, with RSPCA rescuing buzzards and cats from the traps in the last year.

“Over the last five years alone, the RSPCA has also received over 200 reports of animals not considered to be pests, including wild birds, hedgehogs and pet cats being found stuck in them.

“The Glue Traps (Offences) Bill has been introduced [to] Parliament by Jane Stevenson MP today (Wednesday 16 June). 

“The new Bill will enable a full ban on the use of glue traps to catch rodents.

“The UK has a strong history of leading the way on animal welfare and now that we have left the EU, the Government is committed to improving these standards even further by delivering a series of ambitious reforms, outlined in the Action Plan for Animal Welfare”.

Read the release in full

Where we are now 

BPCA has defended the use of glue boards for professional users while backing the ban of sale to amateur users.

The Pest Management Alliance (PMA) has been reviewing guidance and training standards around glue boards. However, these have yet to be published. 

With Defra and the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission supporting the ban of glue boards, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before the UK joins Ireland and New Zealand in banning the traps. 

What’s next

Given the likely direction of travel, BPCA has decided to review our stance on glue boards.

We’re at a crossroads where we can either:

  1. Get behind the government’s plans, support the legislation and help the pest community to adapt for a future without glue boards
  2. Continue to fight against the changes, rallying members to lobby their MPs to influence the Bill.

Members will soon be invited to a Member Summit on the Future of Glue boards, held online via Zoom. 

All members will be encouraged to send a single representative to share their view on the direction the Association should now take on glue boards.

After a short presentation showing where we are, how we got here, and the Association’s work to date, members representatives will then have an opportunity to share their view with the summit.

At the end of the summit, representatives will be asked to vote on whether to:

  1. Back the government ban 
  2. Redouble our lobbying efforts to change the Bill.

Ultimately, the BPCA Executive Board must decide which direction the Association takes. However, the vote will inform this decision, much like a referendum.  

The summits will be held on:

The main contact of member companies will be invited by email to attend. If you haven’t received your invitation, please contact, and we’ll make sure you get the joining link. 

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