Health, safety & legislation articles for pest control

03 March 2022

Free musculoskeletal (MSD) online assessment tools available

Health and safety

The assessment part of HSE's digital MSD tools are now available to use free of charge.

Pest technicians in their everyday lives will all be affected by repetitive activities and manual handling; take advantage of these free tools to ensure you protect your workforce.  

Free musculoskeletal MSD online assessment tools available2

The digital versions of the Manual Handling Assessment Charts (MAC), Assessment of Repetitive Tasks (ART) and Risk Assessment of Pushing and Pulling (RAPP) tools have been designed to simplify the process of completing each assessment.

They have a logical step-by-step approach and will save your assessors considerable time in populating the results manually.

Employers and safety representatives can use these tools to easily assess the risks posed by physical, strenuous activities.

The assessor can then understand, interpret, categorise, and communicate the level of risk. You can access the tools by following the below links:

Register for a live webinar demonstrating the MSD tool

If you want to consolidate your assessments and analyse the results, a premium option of the tool is also available.


BPCA members have access to unlimited free health and safety advice, through BusinessShield.

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