Health, safety & legislation articles for pest control

30 May 2022

New member benefit: Health & safety support and consultation service


The BPCA team can now support you with any health and safety-related questions you have about your pest control businesses.

In addition to BPCA BusinessShield, BPCA has NEBOSH qualified and technical IOSH staff on hand to help members with any pest control-related health and safety questions. 

Health and safety support and consultation servicie for British Pest Control Association

What you can get:

Telephone and email support for general health and safety questions
Support at the end of the phone or via email, covering all areas of health and safety.

Telephone and email support for applications to SSIP schemes
Now that BPCA no longer performs SSIP assessments, our qualified staff can now provide support to help you through your application. 

Consultation service – 1-hour video call (by appointment only)
Whether you are just starting out or have been up and running for years, having someone to talk through your health and safety procedures, training and risk evaluation can give you peace of mind. 

Documents review
Review a sample set of risk assessments and safe systems of work that you are on the right track.

As a sector, we can’t afford to get health and safety wrong. We need to protect our staff, clients and the environment. That’s why we thought it was important to start offering a free consultation service for members seeking pest control-related health and safety. From reviewing a document to getting a second opinion on a tricky H&S matter - we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and help members.

Dee Ward-Thompson, BPCA Head of Technical 

Note, BPCA cannot be your competent person. We can not fully review or write your documentation relating to health and safety. Fair usage applies. 


Members can contact the technical team at
01332 225 104

Book an appointment (login in required)

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