Insect control articles and pest control news

30 June 2023

Confirmed Asian hornet nest discovered in Dover


On Thursday 22 June a small primary nest of Asian hornets was reported to the National Bee Unit (NBU).


An NBU Inspector reportedly investigated the sighting and collected samples, which have been sent for analysis.

Traps have been set for hornets returning to the nest site, and follow up activities will take place to raise awareness.

NBU say this is the earliest date in the season that a nest has ever been found in Great Britain.

Nests have previously been reported in the autumn, when insects are more visible as the population of the nest increases to its maximum.

How to spot an Asian hornet

The Asian hornet is smaller than the European hornet and is a highly aggressive predator of native insects. While it poses no greater risk to human health than a bee, they can cause incredible damage to honey bee colonies and other pollinating insects. 

It is quite easily identified by its yellow-tipped legs and dark abdomen, which sports a yellow band on the fourth segment. 

You can download a full identification guide on the Non-native species website.

Always remain on the lookout for any Asian hornets and if you think you’ve spotted one, report your sighting through the 'Asian Hornet Watch' app or by using the online report form.

Alternatively, you can email Please include a photograph.

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