Insect control articles and pest control news

03 February 2021

Wasp control survey for Warwick students

BPCA is helping four Masters of Business Administration (MBA) students at Warwick Business School with their course project, and they need you to lend a hand too!


The international students are focussing on strategic innovation in the UK Pest Control market and specifically wasp control. They need your support to complete a questionnaire that can be found here.

Warwick Business School operates a high standard of confidentiality. Therefore, any information received would be solely used for internal academic purposes and not published without authorisation from BPCA and no contact details are collected, so your response will remain anonymous.

Please lend your help to these students and note the submission deadline is Wednesday 10 February 2021.


If you'd like to know more about the project and its aims, please get in touch.

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