Insect control articles and pest control news

16 May 2017

BPCA Defends Insect Monitoring

Working alongside manufacturing and distributor members, BPCA has written to the European Commission to protest at a proposal to class attractants used in insect monitoring traps as biocides. The change would mean huge costs and the likely loss of most products of this type, causing increased use of biocides and potential harm to public health and property.

Download biocides iconBPCA Technical Manager Dee Ward-Thompson said “The loss of for example moth pheromones would cause significant harm to our sector, and knock-on effects to a wide range of things including food security and museum exhibits. This short-sighted proposal shows the need for government to consult with professional trade bodies such as BPCA before ill-considered decisions are taken. My thanks to our M&D Committee members, in particular, Dave Avery of B&G Equipment who helped pull together the response.”

 Our letter has been supported by the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association. To read the full text of our letter, you can see it here:

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Simon-Forrester-Staff-bubbleSimon Forrester
Chief Executive

5 May 2017  |

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