Vigilance is key in tackling internationally-spreading bed bug infestations, says British Pest Control Association (BPCA).

Regular checks at home can help identify early signs of an infestation, while visual checks when travelling can help avoid accidentally bringing bed bugs home with you.
Natalie Bungay, Technical Manager at British Pest Control Association explains:
“Bed bugs are travelling pests and love to migrate. They latch onto items such as luggage, clothing and second-hand furniture, and will be transported into your home that way. It’s how they can also end up on public transport or in public buildings such as cinemas, and unfortunately, how people can bring them home from holiday.”
While bed bugs are not particularly dangerous, they can be very distressing and difficult to deal with.
Natalie continues:
“Bed bugs need blood to reproduce and really do come out at night when you’re asleep. Some people react to the bites which can be very itchy, and there may be painful swelling. A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is also possible but rare. Bed bugs can harbour various pathogens, but transmission to humans has not been proven and is believed to be unlikely”.
Bed bugs can be hard to avoid, but there are a few things you can do to try and reduce the likelihood of taking them home with you.
Make sure if you’re staying in a hotel, motel or bed and breakfast, that you double check the mattress and other soft furnishings for signs of bed bugs, especially before putting your luggage on the bed or chairs.
And do the same with any second-hand furniture you’re buying; check for signs before taking it into your home. While bed bugs don’t discriminate between clean surroundings and dirty ones, they will be easier to spot and eradicate if you practice good housekeeping.
You can find more advice on preventing and treating bed bugs at
BPCA says the common signs of a bed bug infestation are:
- Small reddish-brown clusters or dark faecal spots (about 1mm wide) that look like an ink dot are usually found on the bed frame, upholstery or the bottom side of the mattress
- Small blood smears on the bed linen or headboard
- Bed bug moult skins, pale-white eggs, empty eggshells are quite small but still visible to the human eye
- And the most obvious but not always the first sign you find - seeing the small brown insects themselves, in and around your bed frame or sleeping area.
Natalie adds: “It’s worth noting that bed bugs are already here in the UK and have been for quite some time.
“If you are unlucky enough to spot signs of a bed bug infestation in your home, we strongly recommend you act immediately and contact a professional pest control company, preferably a member of the BPCA.
“Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to treat and DIY treatments often result in failure.”
BPCA members are trained and qualified technicians who maintain their knowledge through continual professional development and are assessed to the British Standard in pest management EN 16636. They carry the correct insurances and follow BPCA’s Codes of Best Practice.
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