Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

11 May 2022

New control of field mice guidance document out now


A technical briefing and guidance document, on when and how field mice can be controlled, has been published by BPCA and Pesttrain.


The new four-page document was requested by technicians and covers:

  • Position statement and guidance
  • Definitions
  • Controlling field mice internally  
  • Controlling field mice externally.   

Dee Ward-Thompson, Head of Technical at BPCA, explained:

"We were getting a lot of queries about when it's acceptable to control field mice, with some confusion around whether they had protected status or not.

"With the help of Chris Parmiter at Pesttrain, we've put together a guidance document to help support BPCA members legally, safely and ethically control mice in the UK."

You can download the document from the Member's Library (login required) here


Is there a topic you think we should have a guidance document for? Do you have ideas for any other types of templates or leaflets that would be useful for BPCA members? Let us know.

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