Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

20 January 2022

Glue Traps (Offences) Bill passes committee stage without amendment


On Wednesday, 19 January, a committee of MPs gathered to scrutinise the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill line-by-line.

Glue Traps Offences Bill passes committee stage without amendment BPCA Bristish Pest Control Association

Although two hours were scheduled for the meeting, it took only 45 minutes for MPs to decide to pass the Bill through its Committee stage without amendment.

BPCA contacted all MPs on the Committee, explaining the concerns our members had regarding the wording of the Bill.

BPCA Chief Exec, Ian Andrew, was in Westminster while the Committee stage took place. He said:

"Members rightfully had a few concerns about the Bill, so we made sure we engaged with every member of the Committee before their meeting.

"We wanted to clarify who they considered 'a pest controller' in the Bill and make sure there were no unintended consequences for insect glue traps/monitors".

He continued:

"We also took the opportunity to remind MPs that any licences must be issued rapidly for the protection of public health. However, the licensing scheme won't be discussed in earnest until the Bill passes and an industry consultation is issued.

"Our points were all discussed during the Committee stage of the Bill this week, somewhat setting our mind at ease.

"It's essential BPCA continues to engage with Westminster and I've been very pleased with all the meetings we had with MPs and government ministers this week".

What was said in the Committee stage?

In the early stages of the session, Mark Tami MP highlighted:

"One area of concern is on the definition of a pest controller. I am concerned that a restaurant's owner or cleaner, for example, could designate themselves as the pest controller and could therefore have access to glue traps".

Jane Stevenson MP, who has ownership of this Bill, noted that these sorts of questions are likely to be addressed in the licensing regime, which will be coming into force over the next two years if the Bill is successful.

We were pleased to hear Gagan Mohindra MP mention:

"People with professional pest control licences should be able to continue to purchase these traps because they are qualified to use them.

"The pest control industry is evolving as people become more aware of animal sentience and the need to treat all animals humanely". 

Moreover, Andrew Rosindell MP raised his concerns about sticky traps for insects, as pointed out by BPCA.

Andrew questioned Minister Churchill, asking:

"Will the Bill have any knock-on effect on controlling insects? Will those methods end up being banned because of this legislation? Has that been taken into account?"

Minister Churchill responded:

"No, this is about banning glue traps that capture animals. I will come on to why we have used the term "rodents" rather than "vertebrates", but the Bill is specific to animals.

"There is no mission creep into other areas".

What's next?

The Bill passed the Committee stage without any amendments.

Glue Traps Offences Bill passes Committee stage

The next stage of the Bill is the Report Stage. The Report stage gives MPs an opportunity, on the floor of the House, to consider further amendments (proposals for change) to a Bill that has been examined in Committee.

All MPs can suggest amendments to the Bill or new clauses (parts) they think should be added.

Jane Stevenson MP tweeted:

"Delighted my Bill made it through Committee Stage. I hope it will return to the House of Commons on 4 February".


Thank you to all the members that raised their concerns about the Bill. Through BPCA's engagement with the government, the voice of the pest management community will be well represented throughout the Bill's passage.

You can make your voice heard by contacting BPCA directly or joining one of BPCA's own Committees. Register your interest at:


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