Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

29 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Flour Beetles

Small reddish-brown beetles about 3-4mm long that feed on flour and cereal debris in warm buildings. These beetles are often accidentally introduced into the larder in packaging or the ingredients themselves. The commonest species are the Rust Red Flour Beetle and the Confused Flour Beetle (which in turn is often confused with the Rust Red Flour Beetle).

Flour beetle-1They may produce five generations in a year and adults can live for over a year. The eggs stick to flour particles and the yellow-brown larvae, about 6mm long, crawl about very actively.


Remove infested food, clean the area thoroughly and apply a spray insecticide labelled for stored product beetle control.

Having problems with Flour Beetles?

Use a trained professional pest controller.

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