Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

28 November 2017

Pest advice for controlling Larder Beetle

A relatively large (7-10mm) oval beetle, almost black but with a distinct pale band across the front of the wing-cases. The larvae are white after first hatching, but turn brown and are covered with tufts of bristly hair. They grow to 10-12mm long and occasionally tunnel into soft wood to pupate. The life cycle takes about three months.

Larger Beetle-1Both beetle and larvae are scavengers, feeding on scraps of food - especially ham, bacon or cheese, or on dead mice or birds. They often enter houses from old birds’ nests.

One of a family called the Dermestid beetles, meaning “skin eaters”. Related species include the dark-brown Leather Beetle and the very similar Dermestes haemorrhoidalis, which perhaps not surprisingly has no English name.


Check lofts, eaves and odd neglected corners for corpses or nests. Destroy badly infested food and thoroughly clean the storage area. Spray with a household insecticide or use a puffer pack of insect powder to treat all cracks and crevices where fluff and debris may accumulate. Select a product labelled for stored product beetle control.

Having problems with Larder Beetles?

Use a trained professional pest controller.

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