Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

16 March 2017

New marketing manager at BASIS

Lucy Cottingham joins BASIS Registration - the non-profit organisation responsible for training, certification, auditing and standard-setting across a range of agricultural and related land-based industries including Pest Control.

Lucy Cottingham Basis PromptThe 29-year-old joins BASIS from Frontier Agriculture, where she worked as an agronomist.

Already a member of the BASIS Register, she's a qualified advisor for FACTS - the body responsible for setting standards, training and accrediting the Continuing Professional Development of those providing nutrient management advice - and has gained the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy.

Lucy said: "BASIS has been an important part of my career to date so I'm very much looking forward to being a part of the organisation. A key part of my job will be to help raise awareness of the register and its importance as a vehicle for professional competence within the pest control industry."

We caught up with Lucy to find out more about her appointment and what it means for those on the BASIS register and BPCA members.

How will you enhance the PROMPT service for pest controllers?

Our plans to improve the service provided by PROMPT will be led by members themselves. We’re very keen to maintain our recent growth by listening to what they want from us and we’ll do that via a collaborative approach. First, we are launching a survey which will offer members the chance to provide comments and feedback – this will be available at PestEx and PestTech, where members can come and see us.

In the short term, what is your immediate focus to ensure that PROMPT continues to meet the needs of the BPCA membership community?

BPCA members are able to demonstrate they are current and up-to-date with industry standards by collecting PROMPT CPD points. The register acts as independent proof of credentials. We will continue to raise the profile of the register and will be working closely with CRRU to ensure we’re promoting what they are about too.

Are there any initiatives BPCA members should listen out for that you’ll be launching soon?

We are keen to update the CPD points system to include invertebrates and vertebrates, which will mean a better handle on those dealing specifically with rodents.

We are looking to develop BASIS PROMPT as a stand-alone product which will have its own website. We are looking to improve the services available to PROMPT members such as the phone app.

Ben-Massey-Staff-bubbleBen Massey
Marketing and Communications Manager

16 March 2017  |  PPC86

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