Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

01 March 2022

A six-pack in 75 days? Healthier routines for pest professionals

Health and safety | PPC106

Michael Coates, co-founder of Combat Pest Control, is a military veteran passionate about promoting psychological and physical health in the pest management community.

Michael shares his learning about looking after himself (and his community) from his time in the forces and pest control.


It was 19 June 2019 when I looked at myself in the mirror and, for the first time in my life, I didn’t know who I was looking at. 

The previous four years had seen a lot of change; children born, Dad died, business was full-on, my sleep was poor, and I was saying yes to, well, everything. 

I stopped looking after myself. I drank a few beers most nights, ate what I wanted, and barely exercised.

On that day (my birthday), I decided to change the path I was walking down. I had to start a more positive routine.

Small steps lead to big progress

Six months went by and, although I had made some minor changes, I still wasn’t feeling my usual self, both physically and mentally. It’s 2020, and we’re in lockdown.

This was when I had my most significant mindset shift. I set myself some targets and goals then told my family and friends. I wanted a real change, and it seemed like the best time to do it.

I decided on 75 days of continuous habits to get me back on top of my game. These daily habits included:

  • Take 90 minutes of exercise
  • Drink four litres of water
  • Drink no alcohol
  • Read before bed. 

I could feel some minor changes happening in two weeks, but the biggest was the feeling that I was in control. 

75 day reflections

I completed the 75 days, and I still maintain good routines and habits to this day. 

I’m no angel. I’ll have a few beers or a slice of cake from time to time. But looking inward and taking responsibility has had a huge effect on me.

So, if you’re here for my tips on creating a six-pack, here they are. Not a physical one, but a psychological six-pack!

  1. Sleep
    If you get this right, it’ll have the most significant impact on your well-being. Cut screen time at around 9.30pm and read a book before bed. Reduce caffeine intake at least four hours before bed. And monitor your sleep; I use an Oura Ring. Your target is eight hours.
  2. Hydration
    I weigh around 15 stone and try to drink at least three litres of water per day. When I’m out in a van, I drink 750ml before going out. I take two water bottles in the van and drink another when I get home. Everything becomes better being fully hydrated (although you will need more toilet stops).
  3. Alcohol
    I’m not here to preach; there’s nothing wrong with a few beers with friends. But frequent alcohol intake generates a larger weekly calorie intake, adversely impacting sleep and negatively altering your mood (hours and even days after).
  4. Food
    Keep it simple and keep yourself in control. Try preparing your lunch the night before if you’re in the van. Concentrate on green vegetables, high-quality protein and remove as much sugar as possible (think fruit juices, energy drinks and fizzy pop).
  5. Exercise
    To start, go for a walk in nature at least twice a week. If you haven’t exercised in a while, then start small. There’s no need for gym memberships and fancy kit. Focus on making habits that will last a lifetime, which means making small changes slowly.
  6. Social support
    Stay in touch with positive friends. Send them a message. Give them a call. Organise a meet-up. Staying connected to good people improves your mental health.

And a bonus one...

Take a cold shower. Start with 30 seconds and build up to two minutes. You’re now doing something 99% of people won’t do!

I find this toughens me up and improves my mental fitness. It also feels great afterwards!

Take these tips as guidance; I don’t have all the answers, but I know that looking after yourself has to be part of your daily routine.

It requires self-discipline, and sometimes it can be challenging, but if you don’t recognise the person in the mirror, it’s worth starting to change today.


Combat Pest Control

We have a very clear vision of how we ‘do’ business.

In 2015, Des Fraser and I sat at my kitchen table to discuss what we’d need to set up a pest business. I’d been in the industry a few years, running parallel with my career in the fire service.

We decided on four fundamentals:

  1. Our team would consist of military veterans, reservists and spouses (we both served in the British Army)
  2. We wanted to educate and assist children in conflict
  3. Protecting our clients had to be at the forefront of what we did
  4. We’ll support injured service personnel.

We later expanded this point to include exploring how injured service personnel can impact society.

Fast forward five years, and 75% of our team are members of the military community.

We have provided over 60,000 days of education to children and funded the clearing of thousands of metres of minefields using our partnership with APOPO

We’ve gained some fantastic clients over the years, focusing on social and supported housing.

Our podcast ‘Declassified’ won gold for best interview and bronze for best well-being podcast in the British Podcast Awards 2020. We’ve had nearly 500,000 downloads.

We’re still learning in business and have a long way to go, but our vision keeps us on the right path.


"Psychological fitness and what the pest control sector can learn from the military community"

16 March, 12:00 in the Spotlight Theatre

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