Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

15 April 2019

Abate Pest Management celebrates 20 years in business

20 years ago, today (April 15 1999) Jon Blake decided to set up his own business and called it Abate. He and his wife Jill still owns the BPCA member company today.

Jon started to develop the business in Norfolk and Suffolk, and with the help of some ex-colleagues, the company soon began winning contracts in the Cambridgeshire area.

Abate pest management 20 years old today congratulations

Throughout the years Abate has developed into the surrounding counties of Essex, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire, as more contracts were successfully awarded.

From humble beginnings

With the help of Jon’s wife, they developed processes, RAMS (risk assessment method statements) and became triple ISO accredited, gained the CHAS and Safe Contractor status and became a member of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association).

In February this year, Abate became BS EN16636 (CEPA) Certified, meeting the European standard in pest management service. They joined a group of 110 other UK pest management businesses who have gained this benchmark of quality, in terms of public health, food safety, environmental sustainability and economic significance.

Abate works with many commercial businesses including those in the food chain who are responsible for BRC audits from the Food Standards Agency.

Abate has also worked on many large-scale bird proofing installations including Sizewell Power Station, the University of East Anglia and RG Carter. Jon has an engineering background, which comes in useful when planning structural proofing methods for all types of buildings.

Looking forward

The business employs 7 service technicians (trained to the Royal Society for Public Health standards) and additional support staff. It is now growing throughout the UK by franchising with the primary focus to set up fully operational territories in Essex, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Abate is also talking to several potential franchisees in Leicestershire, Kent, London and Middlesex, with additional interest from other parts of the UK.

Jon Blake said:

“The pest control industry has seen lots of change since we commenced trading 20 years ago. It’s all been good change, and we constantly strive forward with new processes and legislation, plus keep ahead with all the accreditations and certifications.

“Technology has also been a key area for our business success. Last year we invested in new workflow technology to manage the business including technician visits and reporting. As reported, in addition to the continued growth within the Eastern region, our next stage of growth is through franchising. We have laid the foundations, and now with the help of Jonathan White and Neil Foley, the franchising team has excellent plans to build a national pest control business.

“The 20 years success couldn’t have been done without our fantastic customers and staff, and I want to thank each one for their continued support.”

In March this year, Abate picked up the award for the 2019 Small Company of the Year at the British Pest Management Awards. They were shortlisted alongside five other UK pest control companies.


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