Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

19 July 2019

CRRU-style stewardship regime adopted by Jersey Gov

The Government of Jersey is introducing rodenticide stewardship covering the sale and use of professional rodenticides, to help reduce the risk of poisoning non-target wildlife.

 Jersey Gov CRRU

Modelled on the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) regime, Jersey's Growth, Housing & Environment department has announced that stewardship point-of-sale competence checks will be introduced on 18 July next year.

Now the distributors and professional users of rodenticide products have a year to gain a CRRU-recognised rodenticide qualification.

Deputy Gregory Guida, Assistant Environment Minister said: “It is important to look at the bigger picture in terms of protecting wildlife and our island’s biodiversity, the government welcomes any scheme which can help us keep up to date and informed on best practice concerning pesticide use.”

Jersey authorities have confirmed that professional use rodenticides that are supplied from the UK already have appropriate HSE and stewardship labelling.

In common with the UK, they are vigilant to prevent non-UK, and therefore non-stewardship, products being sold there.

For more information about CRRU visit

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