Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

16 November 2017

Look back: North West Regional Forum

Feature events | PPC89 November 2017

After our summer break, the BPCA events calendar is back in full swing as we head out on the road again for the rest of 2017 – beginning with the North West Regional Forum in Manchester.

North West Regional Forum feedback

Lauren and Kevin headed up to the Manchester Golf Club in Rochdale to host the event and were joined by eight BPCA Manufacturer and Distributor members displaying their latest products and offers.

The morning began as always with bacon rolls, before Kevin kicked us off with a refresher session on the Codes of Best Practice.

Chris Bartley from Stallard Kane gave us a useful guide to risk assessments. He included plenty of audience questions, and the answers were reassuring. Although it’s a tricky topic, it’s one that everyone seemed to find useful.

Before refreshments, we were joined by Richard Lamb from 1env. They were sponsoring this particular forum, and therefore Richard had the opportunity to introduce 1env as a key distributor for the pest control industry. He ran through some of their products and services offered – before providing those present with an exclusive discount code!

The morning was broken up with time for networking and a chance to catch up with the exhibitors and peers from the industry over coffee, before sitting down to the next talk.

North West Regional Forum feedback 2

Gary Williams from Urban Wildlife delivered an insightful and a little disturbing insight into what can happen if pest control goes wrong. He provided food
for thought, reminding pest controllers to always go back to basics to stay the right side of the law.

Taking us into the afternoon was BPCA Executive Board Member and Chairman of the FaCE Forum, Martin Cobbald of Dealey & Associates.

He delivered a lively and animated talk on using the BPCA Contract Sharing Network (CSN) which included some examples of how working together with fellow members can help to grow your services and bring in additional revenue (and love) for all involved.

At the end of the session, he showed everyone in the room that they could offer a fumigation service via the CSN. Martin was joined by Ben Massey, BPCA Marketing and Communications
Manager, who gave a short introduction to the CSN, how it works and, importantly, how it’s being policed.

The final session of the forum came from Dan England from PestFix who always proves to be a popular speaker. Dan passed around samples of netting while giving tips for effective bird control. He also explained precisely how everyone could get involved in this profitable area of pest control.


  • Four CPD points just for attending.
  • A chance to network and catch up with fellow pest controllers.
  • Key speakers keeping you up-to-date with changes in legislation and research within the industry.
  • Learn about new products and innovations.
  • Giveaways and offers from your distributors.
  • Meet local sales representatives, with tables exhibiting the latest products.
  • They are free to attend.
  • Bacon roll!

Regional forum map

Places are available at our remaining 2017 Regional Forum dates in Belfast and Norwich.

Aimed at business owners and technicians alike, our forums have a mixture of training sessions, workshops and speakers talking about the latest products, changes and updates in the industry.
This platform is a great opportunity for networking, and gaining vital CPD points – and for Members and Affiliates, the events are FREE to attend.

Register now

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Lauren-Day-Staff-bubbleLauren Day
Events Manager

16 November 2017  |  PPC89

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