There are two main groups; the Culicine mosquitoes sit with their bodies parallel to the ground, the Anopheline mosquitoes sit “nose-down” to the surface, and most have dark spots on their wings.
The commonest species indoors, often misidentified as a Gnat, is Culex pipiens. It does not bite but is almost indistinguishable from Culex molestus which does!
In the tropics, mosquitoes transmit yellow fever, filariasis, dengue fever and malaria. Even in Britain, they cause those familiar itchy bites with a red swelling around them. Near estuaries or marshes, Anopheles maculipennis - a brownish species with small spots on its wings - is fairly common indoors. It bites readily, especially at dusk.
Mosquito eggs are laid in batches of stagnant water, and the small brown larvae hang from the surface of the water, turning into comma-shaped aquatic pupae in four to ten days. Within a day or two, the adult emerges with a thirst for human or animal blood. Only the females feed and require a blood meal before they can lay eggs. Adult female mosquitoes hibernate in dark corners of houses, sheds, cellars and other sheltered sites.

How to get rid of Mosquitoes
Breeding sites such as guttering, water butts and bird baths should be cleaned out regularly. Fly screens over open windows will prevent adults coming in, or aerosol fly sprays will kill individual mosquitoes.
If the problem persists, we would recommend you contact professional pest control company, preferably a member of the BPCA to administer a professional treatment to solve the problem. A trained professional will have the technical knowledge and access to a range of professional use products and equipment which are not available to the public.
Having problems with Mosquitoes?
Use a trained professional pest controller.
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