Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

14 July 2017

PestEx 2019: 75% of stands gone already

With over 600 days left to go until PestEx 2019 – we’ve already got 75% of the available stand space booked or on hold for exhibitors, suggesting an even bigger show than this year.

having fun exhibiting at pestex

PestEx is the largest UK trade exhibition and conference for the pest control industry. With 108 stands at this year’s PestEx, we’re expecting to cram in even more exhibitors in 2019. Chief Exec, Simon Forrester said that this year’s PestEx was “too big to do in a single day”, which turned out to be correct, as more visitors choose to come for both days than ever before.

I’ve been inundated with the early interest from exhibitors from around the world. The success of PestEx 2017 has meant companies are booking earlier and choosing larger spaces than ever before. Some people haven’t got their first choice for stand, but we’re working really hard to make sure everyone who wants to be a part of the show, can be. That being said, I’d suggest that anyone who hasn’t registered their interest in exhibiting yet – does so soon!

Lauren Day, Events Manager

If you’re interested in taking a stand at PestEx 2019, get in touch with Lauren as soon as possible and she’ll help you find the right spot. Register your interest now to avoid disappointment.

Scott-Johnstone-Staff-bubbleScott Johnstone
Content and Communications Officer

14 July 2017  |  BPCA Online

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