Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

05 August 2020

PPC100 out now

Professional pest controller magazine issue 100 is out now and available to read online for free.

The magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF   or you can join our Affiliate Scheme and request a hard copy. 


GALLERY: 100 issues of PPC magazine
Take a look back at every issue of PPC and it’s cover to celebrate this milestone issue. Read >

BPCA Chief Exec Ian Andrew. Read >

Looking back and forward
Clive Boase reviews how far the industry has come and where it might be in another 25 years. Read >

The UK pest landscape and the quiet revolution icon

Caught out in the countryside
Dave Archer talks about rabbits; their history, behaviour and biology. Read >

Practical rabbit management part one icon

Silver solver
Dr Volker Gutsmann explains the importance of identifying silverfish species. Read >

Infographic: A short history of public health pesticides
Alex Wade looks back at rodenticides and insecticides over the last century. Read >

Short history of pesticides icon

Current proofing products
Gulliver Hill talks to PPC about all things proofing. Read >

Remote possibilities or digital doom?
BPCA position statement on remote monitoring for rodent management. Read >

Delusional parasitosis
Natalie Bungay asks, “What is it and how do we deal with it?”.  Read >

Delusional parasitosis icon

Ask the technical team
Your questions, tackled. Read >

How to start a pest management business 1: get ready and plan
Kevin Higgins looks at what you should think about before launching a pest management business. Read >

Starting out in pest management icon

Contact after Covid
Chris Cagienard shares his ideas fo re-engaging with clients now many are opening their doors. Read >

Two heads are better than one?
We asked Which? Trusted Traders to find us some top tips from real small business owners on how they went from one to two successfully. Read >

Meet the member: keep your workforce happy
Paul Bates talks about motivating and inspiring staff using incentives, beyond giving a simple paycheck. Read >

Meet the member: Rising star
Kat Shaw spoke to Gabrielle Hogg, one of the industry’s brilliant up-and-comers. Read >

INFOGRAPHIC: Who runs BPCA?               
See how BPCA works. You may even spot an area you’d like to volunteer in. Read >

Going digital
Covid-19 carves out the future for Forums. Read >

First outstanding CPD assignment certificate
BPCA releases the first in a series of downloadable assignments, giving the opportunity to earn CPD points. Read >


We're always interested in what our members and the pest management community want to see in the magazine.

If you have an idea for an article or a news story you'd like to share with BPCA - contact Kat on or call 01332 225 115

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