Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

26 February 2021

Professional Pest Controller issue 102 (PPC102) out now


Professional pest controller magazine issue 102 is out now and available to read online for free.

The magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF   or you can join our Affiliate Scheme and request a hard copy.

The first issue of 2021 is jam-packed with content for you to get your teeth into. The PestExtra 2021 showguide is front and centre, with a full seminar schedule and exhibitor listings. We also give you a look at the numbers behind the Association, with the 2020 Annual Report, as well as a wrap-up of the 2018-2020 BPCA strategy as we enter a new strategic period. 

Plus we have technical articles on gull licence screeningfruit fliesbird mites, and opinion pieces on glueboards and new active cholecalciferol. And don't forget to check out the training and events calendars!



Natural England: Gull control licence screening explained


2020 was not a great year for gull licences in England. We caught up with David Brown, Senior Adviser for Bird Licensing at Natural England, to see what has changed this year to make the process fit for purpose.

 More >

Breaking resistance with Selontra®

PPC caught up with Helen Ainsworth, from BPCA member company and Selontra’s manufacturer, BASF to find out what the deal is with this new rodenticide. More >

CRRU and stewardship: crunch time


As we pass the five-year mark of rodenticide stewardship, BPCA’s Communications Officer Kat Shaw takes a look at where the regime is at and where it’s going. More >

Opinion: Cholecalciferol - the new kid in the block

PPC magazine caught up with Dave Archer and asked him for his thoughts on cholecalciferol, actives from times gone by and the future of rodenticides. More >

Bird mites: complex and confusing

Professor Olivier Sparagano, Professor of Veterinary Parasitology at the City University of Hong Kong, shares with PPC how to correctly identify your arthropod pests to create an effective treatment strategy. More >

Fruit flies: Horizon 2020 project addresses major invasive pests

In this article, Nikos T Papadopoulos writes about the threat to fresh fruit and vegetable production from invasive species and how a new project aims to plug a research gap on fruit flies in Europe.  More >

PestWatch: Rodents and glue boards


With all eyes on control measures for glue boards, BPCA Technical Officer Natalie Bungay gives PPC102 a glue board refresher. More >

Opinion: Let's ban glue boards

In PPC102 Chris Cagienard, director and field biologist for Pest Solutions, asks if we should defend the use of glue boards in pest control. More >

Ask the technical team

Your questions, tackled.  More >

Google Local Service Ads

In this PPC102 article, local search specialist, Known Locally, explains the latest way to boost online presence for your pest management business. More >

Google My Business: Promote your pest control company for free


In this article, Which? Trusted Traders share their insights on the Google tool that helps you find and generate leads for your pest control business. More >

Meet the member: Personal development is more than words

In this article, BPCA’s Comms Officer Kat Shaw speaks to Paul Allman from Problem Solved Pest Control, about personal development and the path to professionalism. More >

President's Report: We Are BPCA

Phil Halpin, BPCA President, looks back at the challenges of 2020 and celebrates the successes. More >

Treasurer's report: Adapt, improvise, overcome


Mark Williams, Honorary Treasurer on BPCA's Executive Board, assesses the Association's finances for 2020 and the challenges the pandemic presented. More >

Annual Report: 2018-2020 strategy wrap-up

Before we start reporting on developments in the new BPCA strategy, we thought it only fair to assess how successful the old one was. More >

Annual Report: 2020 in numbers

As part of our 2020 annual report, check out how the Association did in areas from income and outgoings to press coverage and member referrals. More >

Level up with the new CAT


We’ve launched a new accreditation for pest professionals who have passed their Level 2 Award and want to demonstrate their advanced industry experience. More >


We're always interested in what our members and the pest management community want to see in the magazine.

If you have an idea for an article or a news story you'd like to share with BPCA - contact Kat on or call 01332 225 115

Send us your story

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