Dee Ward-Thompson, BPCA’s Head of Technical and Membership, looks behind the BPCA logo to see what the ‘BPCA standard’ really is and why we think that BPCA membership is still the highest pest management standard a company can meet.

The back of a pest professional’s van can be crammed with loads of logos hinting at standards, accreditations and accolades. Each of those logos means something: Trusted Trader, NPTA Accredited, Basis Verified, CEPA Certified, the list goes on. All set their own standards to display that logo - including BPCA and our BPCA member logo.
At the outset I want to clearly state some of things that I believe:
- There are some great pest companies out there that aren’t BPCA members (but we wish they were)
- Meeting the BPCA standard for membership can be achieved by almost any company with the right attitude (and the right support)
- BPCA membership is the highest standard in the sector.
BPCA has the most stringent criteria in the UK, and it’s only right that every member is held accountable to these criteria. We’ve spent the last six months re-imagining how we check new and existing members are continuing to meet the BPCA standard.
As part of the process, we provide the support needed to meet and exceed the standard. That’s why I genuinely think any company that’s willing to learn and adapt can be a member – regardless of size, structure or working practices.
To make this process possible, BPCA has established an ‘enhanced technical team’ with two new recruits. See our PPC article "Meet your new team members" to meet Kristian and John.
What do you need to do to be a member?
Let’s get back to basics – what are BPCA’s criteria for membership?
Firstly, the BPCA member logo is earned – not bought. You can’t put money in an envelope and receive a membership certificate.
The BPCA member logo is earned – not bought. You can’t put money in an envelope and receive a membership certificate.
Who decides what the BPCA standards are?
You do. Or, more specifically, your elected representatives.
The BPCA Executive Board decides what membership criteria should be. Members of the Board are from pest businesses just like yours.
They’re advised by the Professional Standards and Servicing Committees and other volunteer groups of members that have a passion for driving up standards.
How do we check members conform to this standard?
Having a solid set of standards is all well and good, but how does BPCA enforce them?
BPCA membership costs more than other accolades because we assess every single servicing member to the same standard. Whether you’re a sole trader or a multi-national - you’ll be evaluated every year.
Our assessment process has been completely revamped to better assure the quality of every member and provide way more support in meeting the standard.
Our aim is that we could recommend any BPCA member company to our gran and know they’ll do a safe, humane, effective, legal and ethical job.
How does it work? Well, we assess all members every year, on a three-year cycle.
An assessment is a process of engaging, defining, selecting, collecting, analysing, interpreting, and using the information to check criteria and professionalism. The new approach is just as much about development and support as it is compliance. That’s why we didn’t call it an audit.

Over three years, our team will assess companies across 13 categories. They are:
- Employment
- Training and CPD
- Insurances
- Health and safety
- Subcontractors
- Environment
- Stores
- Vehicles
- Client site visit
- BS EN 16636
- Pests covered
- Complaints
- Documentation.
No other pest management membership, register, accreditation, accolade or scheme provides this depth of assurance.
From July 2021, every member company will start to fill out a membership assessment portfolio with your assessor that will follow your three assessments over three years.
This is a substantial 40-page document that hits every assessment point and ensures conformity to the BPCA standards. It will detail any noncompliances, recommendations and general comments about your pest management practices.
But it’s not just for us – we wanted our assessments to be a completely transparent process. This is your portfolio. Feel free to use it as a tool to demonstrate how hard you work to meet industry standards.
It’s a private document between you and your assessor. No one outside of BPCA, other than the main contact of your business will be given a copy by BPCA.
How does BPCA support members to meet the standard?

Seeing all the membership criteria and assessment points listed out in black and white might feel a little daunting. However, as I’ve said before – it’s all about attitude.
If you’re serious about pest management – we’re serious about you.
We provide support in all aspects of your pest management business, meaning if you’re missing something you need to pass your assessment, we can help you get it. This might be a template document or policy. It might be that you need some CPD resources or some technical pest control advice.
In short, if you’re willing to grow, learn and adapt, then you needn’t worry about your assessment: we’ll support you through the process. If at any point you need guidance to help with your assessment, please ask.
New for 2021 – what’s changed?
From 2021, Servicing members will no longer be audited by a third party. Instead, you’ll be assessed to the BS EN 16636 Standard and membership criteria directly by BPCA.
The principles are the same, and the assessment will cover the same topics that were previously covered.
The crucial difference is that you will receive a lot more support and guidance from the assessment. The previous limitations meant that an auditor could verify your conformance but couldn’t provide further help and advice.
The new system will still give you a structured assessment process; however, now you’ll also get an opportunity to ask your assessor for help, advice, support, document templates, resources and more.
Support isn’t just about meeting the standard, it’s about growing
Yes, we’re a trade association for pest management, but that doesn’t mean that’s all we can help you with.
We can support you with questions on:
- Training and developing staff
- Continuing professional development resources
- Marketing, sales and promotions
- Communications and technology
- Tenders and winning contracts
- Contract sharing and subcontracting
- Finance and HR
- Health and safety
- Volunteering or getting involved in the Association.
And when things do go wrong, remember we’re always here to offer a hand. A problem shared is a problem halved.
BPCA has a guidance document available on the new assessment process.
If you have any further questions or feedback, our membership and technical team are on hand to chat through the process.
01332 225 112
There’s never been a better time to join BPCA

Do you believe in a better, more professional pest management sector? Do you want to grow your business sustainably and ethically? Do you want support and guidance throughout that journey?
If you’re willing to work towards the BPCA standard, we’ll:
- Represent you to legislators, customers and influencers inside and outside the sector
- Support you to be the best, safest, most profitable business you can be
- Assure your customers you’re held to the highest standards in the sector.
We’ve had a considerable influx of new members over the last 18 months. There’s never been a better time to take a look at our membership offering.
We developed a 12-month member induction programme to help companies of any size find themselves a home in the Association. Meet the team, explore the benefits and show your clients your commitment to excellence in pest management.
Join 700+ like-minded companies and help us show the world what we’re really about.
01332 225 112