Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

25 May 2022

The future of glue boards in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland


The Glue Traps (Offences) Act has received Royal Assent in England. We’ve had questions from members in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland about what the legislation means for them.

the future of glue boards  wales scotland northern ireland

The Glue Traps (Offences) Act only applies in England and is currently in a two-year rollout period to allow Defra to develop a viable licensing scheme. Glue boards can continue to be used per the PMA Code of Best Practice until then.

Other national governments have indicated that they’d like to see glue boards banned too. Here is everything we know about their intentions so far.

Wales on glue boards

BPCA has written to the Minister for Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths MS, who proposes a complete ban of rodent glue boards in Wales.

We were then put in touch with Claire Lawson, a senior civil servant in the Welsh Government, responsible for briefing the Minister on matters related to introducing the ban. 

As with all similar meetings, we stressed the public health considerations of a potential ban and the likely impact on:

  • food manufacturing, distribution and retail
  • pubs, clubs and hotels
  • restaurants and takeaways
  • the NHS and care homes
  • national infrastructure.

We argued that these organisations would face increased costs and waste, additional downtime, and increased staff illness as more of our toolkit potentially disappears.

One significant complication for Wales is that Westminster controls the four Welsh Constabularies (that would potentially enforce any ban). Policing is not a devolved responsibility in Wales.

BPCA has reached out to all Welsh members to help build case studies for the Minister. We aim to secure an exemption for professional use, similar to England. 

Scotland on glue boards 

Scotland is also in favour of a complete ban of glue boards (without an exemption for pest professionals).

Having written to Mairi McAllan, MSP who is proposing the ban in Scotland, we were directed to Brodie Wilson and Sam Turner, who are doing the Scottish minister's background work. 

We laid out a similar defence of professional-use glue boards as we did in Wales. 

The additional issue in Scotland is the outcome of the very one-sided Scottish Animal Welfare Commission, which recommended a ban on rodent glue boards

Glue boards might well not be good for animal welfare when used incorrectly, but the SAWC didn’t consider the public health and business aspects of a ban in Scotland.

What is very clear from discussions in Scotland and Wales is that the proposed ban is coming from an animal welfare perspective, not from a public health or business perspective. 

The animal welfare voice is loud and well supported, and it is a very plausible and emotive argument for them to ask for any part of our toolkit to be banned because it is bad for animals. 

While BPCA completely understands that viewpoint, decisions must also look at such proposed bans from a public health and business perspective.

What is very clear from discussions in Scotland and Wales is that the proposed ban is coming from an animal welfare perspective, not from a public health or business perspective. 

British Pest Control Association

We have also engaged Anas Sarwar MSP, the Scottish Labour Party leader, on this matter.

Again, BPCA’s aim is clear; we want to secure an exemption to the ban for professional use. 

Northern Ireland on glue boards

BPCA had a very positive virtual meeting with Helen Anderson, Director of Natural Environment Division, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Declan Looney, Senior Wildlife Inspector, NIEA. 

Both were very appreciative of BPCA connecting with them.

On rodent glue boards, as far as they are aware, a ban is not on their agenda. 

They raised a query with their policy and legislation colleagues, who also responded, confirming there were no plans to introduce legislation to ban glue boards in Northern Ireland.


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