Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

07 February 2022

UKAS ISO accreditation for Contego Response


BPCA member Contego are pleased to announce they have achieved UKAS ISO certification across three standards: Quality (ISO 9001), Health and Safety (ISO 45001), and Environmental Management (ISO 14001).

UKAS ISO accreditation for Contego Response

Organisations that hold an ISO 9001 certificate are recognised in the UK and internationally for high quality in the way that their business is managed.

ISO 45001 is an international standard for health and safety at work developed by national and international standards committees independent of government.

ISO 14001 is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organizations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste, gaining a competitive advantage and the trust of stakeholders.

Auditors who visited Contego for a six-day long audit process commented on the excellent standard of work and congratulated the team, certifying the company with zero non-conformances.

Paul Guthrie, Fleet and Compliance Manager, said:

"We’re proud of our reputation for putting our customers first, looking after our people, and having some impressive environmental credentials. That’s why we are beyond delighted to announce that we are now UKAS ISO certified across three standards." 

"The team has worked super hard to meet the standards and the audit process was quite arduous, but we knew we were in good shape. We know that this accreditation will bring so many benefits." 

We’re proud of our reputation for putting our customers first, looking after our people, and having some impressive environmental credentials.

Paul Guthrie, Contego

He continued, "It will give customers the confidence that we are committed to delivering a quality service and putting them first. It will show our team that we care about their safety and wellbeing, and we want Contego to be a great place to work.

"It will allow us to demonstrate to customers and employees alike that we are a company that takes our environmental impact seriously. We know this is becoming more important than ever in the business world and the wider world. 

"From day one, we wanted Contego to be a company that turned pest control on its head, and our commitment to continuous development through accreditation is a huge part of the plan."


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