Professional Pest Controller Magazine Issue 103

12 May 2021

BPCA Member Award winners announced at 2021 AGM


The first-ever BPCA Member Awards were held this week at the digital BPCA AGM.


The Awards celebrate positive contributions made by members to the Association and the wider pest management sector.

A number of awards were presented to winners of six different categories, as well as some highly commended entries.

You can read more about the categories and the winners below.

The awards were open to all BPCA Members, free of charge, regardless of the size of the company or how long a business has been in BPCA membership.

BPCA Chief Executive Ian Andrew said: “We had fantastic nominations from a wide variety of individuals and companies. It was wonderful to see so many people who go above and beyond every single day, and make a real-world contribution to the profile of the pest management sector in the UK.

“As with many things, Covid has meant we can’t celebrate these Awards in person. But we’re keeping everything crossed that won’t be the case in 2022.

“We’ll be shouting about the great achievements shared here today and looking forward to seeing you all in person next year for the Awards, AGM, PestEx and much more

“Congratulations to all the winners.”

Charles Keeble Award

For many years the Charles Keeble Award has been given to whoever achieves the highest mark in the highly esteemed Advanced Technician in Pest Management exam.

In response to the restrictions put in place around Covid-19, 2020 saw this evolve into the online Certificated Advanced Technician.

As a result, BPCA decided to recognise two individuals this year: the highest scorers for each of these assessments.

Winner of the Charles Keeble Award for the highest score in the Advanced Technician in Pest Management assessment:
Vicky Caulfield, Precision Pest Management

Winner of the Charles Keeble Award for the highest score in the Certificated Advanced Technician assessment:
Callum Woolgrove, Terminix

Outstanding CPD Award

It would have been easy to disregard CPD for 2020 with so many events and training courses cancelled.

However, BPCA pulled out all the stops to make sure pest management professionals had plenty of opportunities to achieve CPD points through a wealth of online classroom trainingonline learning courses and digital events, on top of the unstructured CPD that BPCA Registered technicians gain in the field.

This award is designed to acknowledge an outstanding portfolio of CPD activities from an individual on BPCA Registered and highlight the importance of CPD in our industry.

When judging this award BPCA were looking for those who had made the most of 2020 and really excelled with their CPD journey.

They gained points from a range of activities and across different subject areas showing real creativity and passion for their development.

Tony Adams, First Call Pest Management

Highly Commended:

  • Kevin Pugh, Pest Solutions
  • Michelle Pope, MP Environmental
  • Philip Schendel, Schendels Independent Environmental Solutions.

Honouree Editor Award

This award recognises the work that goes into building the content for PPC magazine and the significant contributions made by external writers, without which the magazine would not be possible.

Chris Cagienard of Pest Solutions

Special Contribution Award

As well as the Staff team, BPCA is made up of the Executive Board, four committees and several special interest groups, all run by volunteers within the membership.

This award is designed to recognise a significant and outstanding contribution to the Association in 2020, exceeding what might normally be expected from members.

This may be based on a single but very important action or a continuing series of actions that have impacted others.

When the BPCA team got together to discuss this award, it became very clear that one name stood out from the crowd and this made the Special Contribution Award an easy decision for us.

Martin-Rose King, Bounty Pest Control

  • Servicing Committee chair
  • Executive Board
  • Member of the Executive Board’s Professionalism Working Group
  • Stepped up to temporarily chair the Manufacturers and Distributors Committee
  • Member of the Professional Standards Committee
  • Member of the PSC’s Code of Conduct Working Group
  • Contributor to Code of Best Practice review
  • Contributor to case study material for CEPA
  • Chair of the BPCA Apprenticeships Employers Development Group.

Commitment to Training Award

This award is designed to recognise a BPCA member who has demonstrated a commitment to upskilling their employees through BPCA.

The winner of this award has demonstrated a commitment to training and continued professional development through BPCA.

The company has nurtured an excellent cultural attitude to CPD with their technicians taking responsibility for their own development, which has been reflected in their BPCA Registered achievements across the board in 2020.

They prepare their trainees well through internal training ahead of putting them on the Level 2 Award in Pest Management and this ensures that the candidates always achieve good pass rates.

The company has engaged well with our online classroom courses, putting many candidates through a range of courses in 2020.

The company has nurtured an excellent cultural attitude to CPD with their technicians taking responsibility for their own development, which has been reflected in their BPCA Registered achievements across the board in 2020.

Pest Solutions, Glasgow

Highly Commended:
Healthguard Ltd, BPCA Member company based in Lincolnshire

BPCA Resilience Award

The pandemic has changed the way we live and work over the last year. Nobody could predict what would happen next, which is why BPCA couldn’t do these awards without looking at how members have adapted brilliantly and come out stronger than ever.

The award was extremely popular and the Staff team really enjoyed reading how members have adapted during the pandemic, making it hard to choose a winner.

However, one nomination came out on top and the winner for this award has shown great resilience in the way that the business adapted to ensure their clients and staff were safe and happy.

Not only did this company diversify its services but they ensured this was done ethically.

They emerged from 2020 bigger, stronger and more confident with plans still in place to grow further.

Lady Bug Pest Control.

Highly commended:
London Network for Pest Solutions
Lancaster City Council Unbugged


If you didn't get a chance to watch the 2021 AGM live, you can watch it back here.

2021 Digital AGM

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